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The Scooby-Doo Movie (2002)
Directed by:Raja Gosnell

Scooby trying to tell Shaggy there's a "Rhost" behind him.

Mystery solved. Rooby Dooby Doo!
Meeting Mondavarious. (Rowan Atkinson)
Daphne to the rescue???
The chase scene - Ride Scooby, ride!
Inside the Mystery Machine.
Arrival at "Spooky Island".
A meeting with a suspect.
The gang checks out the "Spooky Castle" ride.
Scooby, still smiling before he learns his fate.
Shaggy finds Fred's disembodied spirit.
Fred and Velma learn the fate of the world.
Daphne to the rescue... again!
Another mystery solved.

© Warner Brothers